Entra in vigore il d.lgs. 116/2020: Economia Circolare e Responsabilità Estesa del Produttore (EPR)


Attraverso il d.lgs. 116/2020 vengono recepite le Direttive (UE) 2018/851 e 2018/852 che introducono novità importanti in materia di economia circolare e EPR.

Andando a modificare direttamente il d.lgs. 152/2006 (c.d. Testo Unico Ambientale), la gestione dei rifiuti diventa ora una risorsa da valorizzare e tutto ciò è reso possibile mediante la responsabilità finanziaria del produttore del bene.

Tra le altre novità si segnalano: la revisione del regime sanzionatorio, l’assimilazione dei rifiuti speciali a quelli urbani quando sono “simili per natura e composizione ai rifiuti domestici”, la creazione di un sistema di tracciabilità dei rifiuti (ex art. 188 bis) che sarà disciplinato con uno o più decreti attuativi e che permetterà di scaricare il nuovo modello di formulario di identificazione per il trasporto dei rifiuti in formato cartaceo dal nuovo Registro Elettronico Nazionale Rifiuti, il periodo di conservazione dei formulari e quello dei registri scende da 5 a 3 anni, l’esenzione dall’obbligo della tenuta dei registri di carico e scarico rifiuti per le microimprese con meno di 10 dipendenti che producono solo rifiuti non pericolosi.

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A portrait of a smiling man with short dark hair, wearing a light blue shirt and a dark polka dot tie against a solid blue background.

Les Griffith - Speakers

Business Development Director

Les Griffith is currently the Business Development Director at RLGA and is tasked with expanding the company’s data management offerings for packaging EPR in the Americas. Les has over 30 years of industry experience in Environmental Services, Extended Producer Responsibility and Reverse Distribution. Les has spent these last 30 years working with organizations to develop progressively more sustainable solutions to the management of end-of-life materials. Prior to joining RLG, Les spent eleven years at Covanta most recently serving as the Business Development Director for the Healthcare Solutions division. His group covered North and Central America and specialized in providing a suite of services to healthcare PROs, take-back services to retail pharmacy and law enforcement and environmental services to the healthcare sector and reverse distributors. Prior to Covanta Les spent 10 years at Waste Management Inc. as an Area Manager for their Healthcare Solutions group.

A portrait of a smiling middle-aged woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a black and blue top. She stands indoors with a soft-focus background.

Andriana Kontovrakis - Speakers

Director of Compliance Services

Andriana Kontovrakis is the Director of Compliance Services for Reverse Logistics Group’s US team.  She manages a team responsible for ensuring manufacturer and retailer customer compliance with EPR laws for electronics, batteries, packaging, household hazardous wastes, and other consumer products across the US. Along with RLG partner the Household and Commercial Products Association, she is spearheading the development of the Household Product Stewardship Alliance, a stewardship organization forming under the guidelines of Vermont’s HHW EPR law.  Prior to working with RLG, she was a Policy Analyst with the global electronics recycler Sims Lifecycle Solutions where she managed programmatic implementation and customer and supplier accounts for the US EPR compliance unit and the Deputy Director for Waste Prevention for the NYC Department of Sanitation.

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